Pregnant articles

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Bonding with your baby during pregnancy

The bond between parent and child is an important psychological connection that is deeply rooted in the human psyche. This bond is crucial to a baby's survival.

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What should you buy for your newborn?

There is no end to the things you can buy for a newborn baby. But bear in mind that all your baby cares about is eating enough and being safe and dry.

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Home birth

Would you like to give birth at home with the assistance of a midwife? It is possible to have a planned home birth in most places in Sweden, but there are a few things you should know.

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Packing your bag for hospital - make a list

It can be useful to have a bag ready packed, or at least a list of what you want to bring to hospital. When the time comes, things tend to happen very quickly.

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Be involved in your partner's pregnancy

As a partner or father, there are various ways that you can take part in the pregnancy and get to know the baby before you get to hold the little bundle in your arms.

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Exercise during pregnancy

Whether you join a pregnancy fitness group or continue going to the gym, exercise won't only make you feel better right now, but will also help you during labour. Almost all exercise is good, but there are some things to bear in mind or avoid.

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Prepare for delivery

It is important to exercise and eat a healthy diet during pregnancy to stay strong and replenish lost energy. But you should also practise relaxation and breathing exercises. Consider taking a yoga or birth preparation course.

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Planned induced labour.

Do the days leading up to your due date seem to be passing very slowly? Bear in mind that it's completely normal for the baby to arrive from two weeks before to two weeks after your expected due date. In fact, only about 4 percent of births happen on the actual estimated due date. So hang in there.


Air travel and other travel during pregnancy

Luckily, it's fine to travel when pregnant and you can travel by plane until around week 36 if the pregnancy is normal. Try to always wear support stockings on long trips, arrange for insurance and vaccination and bring a first aid kit.


Expecting twins

Most parents have no idea they are expecting twins until their first ultrasound scan. The news usually comes as a complete surprise. You might experience a variety of feelings such as joy, anxiety, excitement and surprise before the news fully sinks in. It's natural to feel a little shell-shocked to be expecting more than one baby.


Dangerous diseases during pregnancy

Really dangerous infections are very rare during pregnancy, and most bacteria and viruses cannot harm your child. If you become ill, there is usually no risk to the baby. However, there are exceptions.


Medicines during pregnancy

If you become ill during pregnancy, you may need to take medicine. But remember that some medicines must not be taken during pregnancy, including some non-prescription drugs and herbal remedies.


Your first visit to the midwife

The midwife's two main tasks are to monitor the pregnancy and provide support to the expecting mother.


Healthy weight gain during pregnancy

You are expected to put on weight during pregnancy. It is common to gain ten to fifteen kilos. But a few kilos more or less is also completely normal, provided you are well and the baby is developing normally. If you lose a lot of weight due to nausea, get help – it's not good for either you or the baby.


Prenatal diagnosis via ultrasound, CUB, nuchal scan and other examinations

All examinations and tests available to women during pregnancy are voluntary. Of course it is reassuring to find out that the pregnancy is progressing normally. But there is also a risk of having to make difficult decisions if the examination detects chromosome abnormalities or deformities.


Tips for dealing with sibling jealousy

You're pregnant – congratulations! This time there are at least three of you expecting a baby. But one of you might not be so convinced it's a good idea. Here are some tips for preparing the older sibling.


Working or taking time off during pregnancy

To work or not to work It is normally fine to continue working throughout the whole pregnancy. However, in some cases you might need to either change your work duties or stay home from work.


When the mother and baby have different blood groups

Women with a less common Rh-negative blood group are monitored extra carefully during pregnancy. If the foetus has Rh-positive blood , the mother risks developing antibodies against the baby's blood. This known as Rhesus isoimmunisation.


Sex and libido during pregnancy

There is no reason to stop making love during pregnancy. There is no evidence that sex can harm the baby in a normal pregnancy.


Preterm birth

One in 20 babies are born prematurely, which means before the 37th week of gestation. Most of these babies develop normally without any problems. But the earlier the baby is born, the more care it will need.


Back pain, pelvic pain and symphysis pubis dysfunction

Do you have pain in your back or pelvis? Many women get pain in their lower back and pelvis during pregnancy. Here are some useful tips.


Att gå över tiden - allt om hinnsvepning och igångsättning

Känns det som att dagarna efter den beräknade dagen för förlossning släpar sig fram? Trots att fönstren aldrig varit renare och chilliätandet har börjat gå lite väl över styr? Då kan det vara bra att känna till att det är helt normalt att föda allt från två veckor före till två veckor efter dagen man är beräknad. Det är bara cirka fem procent som faktiskt får sitt barn på ”rätt” dag.


Fear of giving birth

Are you feeling nervous? Or are you absolutely terrified at the prospect of giving birth? There's nothing strange or unusual about fear of pregnancy. Writing a birth plan is one of many ways of dealing with it.



The most common symptoms of pre-eclampsia are high blood pressure and protein in the urine. These symptoms are likely to go unnoticed until your check-up at the maternity clinic.


Choosing the right pram – tips and advice

Two-in-one pram and pushchair, convertible pram, twin pram/pushchair, 3-wheeler, 4-wheeler, fixed wheels or swivel wheels... a pram or pushchair should meet your specific needs and be safe and practical. Buying a pram is a bit like buying a car: your choice should be based on your individual needs and requirements as well as hard facts.


Don't drink alcohol during pregnancy

Alcohol passes through the placenta and can harm the unborn baby. Among other things, alcohol can negatively affect the baby's growth and brain development. It is recommended to avoid alcohol completely during pregnancy.


Smoking during pregnancy

Being pregnant is a good reason to give up smoking – perhaps the best one you'll ever have. Smoking is harmful to the baby in the womb, during breastfeeding and if it inhales the smoke.


10 tips for healthy eating during pregnancy

Although you are now eating for two, you shouldn't eat twice as much. Instead, you should eat larger amounts of certain foods while pregnant.


I'm pregnant!

You're holding the pregnancy test in your hand and have just found out you're pregnant. Congratulations! This is the start of a long, exciting, fun, challenging and wonderful journey. It's already time to book an appointment with a midwife.


Vegetarian diet during pregnancy

Pregnant vegetarians should be especially careful to eat enough iron and vitamin D, as well as the right types of fat.


Foods to avoid during pregnancy

There are some foods you should avoid during pregnancy. Certain cheeses, meat and fish can contain listeria bacteria, the toxoplasmosis parasite or high concentrations of environmental toxins.


Eat the right fish during pregnancy

Fish is packed with nutrients essential to you and your baby. Fish contains fatty acids that are crucial to the development of your baby's brain. But some fish may contain environmental toxins, so choose carefully.


Pain management during labour

Do you want to give birth using natural pain relief such as massage, acupuncture and sterile water injections as much as possible? Or do you know already that you are prepared to have maximum pain relief if necessary, e.g. an epidural? Don't feel you have to be a hero and go without pain relief. Ask for the help you feel you need.


Giving birth with a doula

A doula, or labour coach, provides support, help and advice during labour. This type of female figure has existed throughout history. Modern doulas provide support for the whole family during labour, and often before the birth as well.


The three stages of labour

After the first stage when the cervix starts dilating, which is typically quite long drawn-out, the contractions become more powerful and frequent and you feel an urge to push, which results in the baby being expelled. In the third and final stage, the placenta is expelled.


Heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn can be an annoying problem as the baby grows and increasingly presses on your stomach. Here are some useful tips.


Birthing positions

There are many advantages of giving birth in an upright position, but what's most important is to change between different positions to help the child pass through the birth canal.


Delivery by C-section

A C-section may either be planned, or may be performed as emergency surgery if complications arise during labour. Whatever the reason for the C-section, the procedure and the results are often the same. You'll have a scar on your lower abdomen, but you'll be holding your newborn in your arms.


How does labour start?

It could happen any week now! But how can you tell when labour starts? There's one reliable indicator: regular contractions.


Breaking of the waters

My waters have broken! In films, labour starts when the waters break. In reality, the waters do not always break before you go into labour. In fact, it is usually the opposite.


Pain and contractions before, during and after labour – tips and facts

Here you can read about different types of contractions. You will also find links to articles about pain relief, the stages of labour, how to prepare for labour, what happens when your waters break and other useful topics.


At the maternity ward – meeting your midwife

It's finally happening! Grab your bags, grab each other and leave for the hospital. After all those months of waiting, it's finally time.


If your baby is breech

If your baby is in breech position (bottom first), you are likely to be offered an attempt to turn the baby around.


Vitamins, minerals and folic acid

It's important to take care of yourself at this time. But even if you eat a healthy, varied diet, it can be hard to get enough folic acid, iron, vitamin D and calcium.



Miscarriage is usually a very traumatic experience for everyone concerned, at whatever stage of the pregnancy it occurs. It takes its toll both physically and psychologically. How people deal with the loss is highly individual, and it can be difficult for those around them to understand their pain. The grieving process takes time.


13 tips for dealing with nausea during pregnancy

Round half of pregnant women experience nausea during pregnancy, primarily in the morning. The nausea usually starts after about a month. It usually stops after about three months, although a small percentage of women experience nausea and vomiting throughout the whole pregnancy.


Gestational diabetes

Are you concerned about your blood sugar levels? All pregnant women have their blood sugar tested several times at the maternity clinic.


Anaemia is common during pregnancy

Are you tired? Short of breath? About 20 weeks into your pregnancy? Chances are you've got anaemia.


Choosing a name for a boy or girl

Erik, Åke, Lovisa, Hedda… choosing a name for a baby is exciting, challenging and sometimes almost impossible.


Maternity clothes

Forget all your ideas about frumpy maternity clothes. These days there are plenty of maternity clothes to choose from


Your skin during pregnancy

Pregnancy can affect your skin in various ways. Your skin may become dryer than usual. Or you might get breakouts, stretch marks, pigment changes or varicose veins.


Your baby's movements - how frequent should they be?

Your baby's first tiny movements may feel light a slight tickle and may be quite an emotional experience for you.


How to support your partner during labour

One of the best contributions you can make as a partner – both for yourself and your woman – is to be present and be prepared. To help you, we have put together a three-step plan for supporting your partner during labour.