
Week 30

Week 30 baby

Splashing in the belly

The baby keeps on growing and more fat is forming under the skin. At this point, the baby should be about 41 cm and weigh nearly 1.4 kilos. The brain is developing and growing. It’s going to get big, and to have space, it forms more and more characteristic wrinkles and folds. The lungs are now almost fully developed and the baby is practicing the motions of breathing by raising and lowering its rib cage. It’s not unusual for these exercises to give your baby the hiccups, which you will experience as little twitches in your belly. This is a sensation that is likely to pop up in the next few weeks.

Week 30 mum

Take care of your back

There isn’t too much time left, and if you’re expecting twins, then you’re nearly at the finish line. But even if you’re getting close now, for most people, the next few weeks will be a challenge both physically and mentally. Your body might feel massive and the tiniest little thing might make you want to cry, and this isn’t strange at all – 30 weeks with a demanding tenant will take its toll. Feeling tired and occasionally experiencing more Braxton-Hicks contractions is common. Take little breaks throughout the day when you can, and take the chance to rest with your legs elevated. These kinds of little things can help you feel better. Try to listen to your body and above all, be kind to it – you still have about 10 weeks left that the baby plans to use to grow big! Pelvic pain, which is caused by hormones softening up the joints, mainly in the pelvis, is common now. This happens to allow the birth canal to widen during childbirth, making it easier for the baby to come out. Of course, this does not mean there is less pain. Talk to your midwife or doctor for help. For example, a special belt is available that can help alleviate pelvic pain, and you can ask for tips on how to best relieve your pelvis and joints.

Week 30 partner

Still some time left

You may have started or soon completed a preparatory class in the run-up to childbirth and parenthood. Approximately two months remain until it’s time to meet your little baby, and time is passing quickly now. Or: it might feel like that for you, but many pregnant people feel that an impossibly long time remains until the baby arrives. This isn’t so strange: at this point, most people are more tired and it can be a real hassle mentally – feeling big and heavy and being in pain is draining. Despite it all, your baby is about 38 cm long and weighs around 1.4 kilos! Listen to what your partner needs right now and see how you can help provide support. Snapping your fingers so that the baby is born NOW (!) or magically eliminating pelvic pain might be outside of your job description, but there are surely things you can do that will make her life easier. Sometimes it can also just be nice to have someone listen and try to understand, however abstract and difficult that might be for the partner who isn’t carrying the baby.