

Newborn: Your Baby

Welcome to the world!

Most of the time, your baby will be in the foetal position. It’s like picking up a little bean. The baby’s knees are pulled up into their tummy and their arms are tucked into their chest. Infants are happiest in a warm, cosy position – just like inside the womb. Many people find it a struggle to get their clothes off and nappy changes can be a challenge. This new little person wants to be held – and would prefer most of all to be in your arms, close to you. They love to hear your heart beat. Their vision is best up close: when your baby is in your arms, they can see as far as your face – but no further. The baby also sees everything in black and white at first. But their sense of smell is excellent. After five days, your baby can already recognise their parents.

Newborn Parents

Congratulations and welcome home!

You’re back at home with a newborn baby. If you’re struggling with breastfeeding, you can sign up with the Libero Club for advice about those first few days at home. Being a parent is a huge challenge; there is no doubt about that. But it won’t be long before you feel like your baby has always been part of your family. How is your body doing, mum? It may feel a little beat up in places. Try to do your pelvic floor exercises as often as you can. They will help you heal faster. If you’re breastfeeding, the baby will lay claim to you constantly and will think you smell like the best thing in the world: food. Babies want to eat all the time, or at least between six and ten times per day. So your job as a father or partner is to help out with everything else: changing nappies, bathing the baby, taking a stroll with the pram, walking around and sitting or lying down with the baby on your chest. Limit the number of visits to your home at first.